I think I saw Peeblo run by…I wonder what he’s up to! Of course, it might be a bit more frustrating with another fire breathing menace running about…

Anyway, after my experience with that Squirrel, I started gettin to thinking. Which, of course, SHOULD worry you. So, read on…if you dare! *maniacal cackle*

I’m living in a world…and then another world! Like, woah oh my goodness. What if there are parallel worlds where animals talk!? How awesome would that be? And what if those worlds just overlapped? So crazy.

Or! What if that squirrel was a time traveler escaping some horrid genetic experiment taking place in the future that made him able to talk…or even WAS a human turned into a Squirrel but lost his mind in the process? Or even switched minds with a squirrel and there’s some poor human running around collecting acorns and dodging cars!

I think I really want to go take a bath.

Did you know? That some blind people are able use a process similar to echolocation in order to “see” their surroundings? Just like a Dolphin! I imagine if I were able to do that, I’d be running around making dolphin sounds or screeching like a bat all the time. EEE EEE! EEEE! EEE!

I wonder what it would be like to be Synesthetic. Your mental associations are so whack. You imagine sounds as color and colors as smells or sounds and smells and images…It’d be so crazy and awesome!

I think I should go practice some new dances. LaVida just showed me a few on youtube and I really wanna learn them. Belly dance is great, but I know there are more dances that are more common amongst the Gypsies. Maybe I could even learn to juggle fire…while dancing…and eating a cake at the same time…

Starr is signing off! Time to report for duty at mission control!