Hello! Well, this is a fictional traveling troupe of performing Gypsies. The team was created for a Feast of Fools event on the Avatar community Menewsha. The blog was a requirement for the Bonus Round, and now that it’s over…

…You may refer to me as Starr. I’ve been one of the most active members of the team due to my apparent lack of any sort of life. I’ve had an extremely long summer break, and so I’ve spent mucho time around the forums working on tasks for the team and creating any post on here you find signed as Starr. However, due to my already great fascination with Gypsies, I’ve decided to continue using this blog to research the Gypsy lifestyle, struggles, dances, and so on and so forth.

So buckle your seat belts and watch out for the fire breathing camel! He’s got a nasty temper, and he’s already spent a good deal of time bullying me. Oh ya. And enjoy the ride!