At the thought of Gypsies, the first thing that came into my mind was not belly-dancing, but something more like the ending of this:

Or maybe this: 

this one was a group of dancers somewhere around greek, I think.

and I really liked this one:

Wow……I want a long, pretty dress too….maybe I can talk/bribe my mom into making me one. It would be awesome and I would dance a ton in it.

Anyways, the only information about gypsies I was exposed to as a child was that they were extremely mistreated. They travelled a lot and many of the places that they travelled in, they were extremely unwelcome. Sometimes the land they lived on belonged to a lord or duchess and those lords and duchessess tend to chase them out of their land because they considered Gypsies unclean, or they have bad luck, or that they were a burden. While at the same time, there were many love stories between those lords or duchessess and/or their sons or daughters that fall in love with a Gypsy. Some of the stories end in tragedy and very few end with a happy ending. Ummm…..Happy seems to be acting up, I hope she’s okay…
