All this talk about Gypsy dances and stuff made me think – Hey! What about the music that they danced to? What kind of music did they use to make that music? And off to Google we go~ Apparently, many Gypsy musicians played various styles of instruments from the east, such as the mandolin, the accordian, and drums.


While searching up these instruments, I also found out that a breed of horse that the Gypsy breeds was called a “Drum”. It’s a cute, shaggy pony with very furry front legs. It looks as if the horse was wearing fur boots! The coloring of the horse is black and white, but personally, I don’t think they look like cows much at all. Talking about animals and other creatures, I wonder where Peeby went, he’s not in his box…. Whenever he goes missing, it always means that he’s off to cause more trouble. Last time he went missing, he set fire to one of the small tents…..close to where the fire-breathing camel was. The camel freaked out and tried to fry Peeby and he barely got away. So they’re not on very good terms with each other 😦 It would be a pretty ugly scene if they bump into each other – I very much hope that they don’t.
