Well, it appears that the camp is still fairly…asleep. That’s alright.  They worked extremely hard for us all yesterday. We really pulled through, and I’m so proud of all of us.

So, if you’ll turn your attention to that adorable face at the top of the post. That is me. >.> Okay, no. That’s one of my cats. Her name is Odette. I’m opposed to posting my face on a weblog of any sort, so you get an image my cat. And if you harm her, I’m feeding you to the fire breathing camel. Seriously.

So, since that’s a picture of me, obviously, let’s talk a little about one of the Gypsy members! I go by Starr around these parts and I like to make sure everyone’s got a smile on. I hate it when people are fighting. Fights give me migraines, so I always try to think of a solution to the problem. Otherwise I shut myself away for the duration of it, while I try to distract myself and hopefully avoid the head pains.

I have a delightful interest in foreign languages, too! Currently, I’m studying German, seeing as how I’m 1/4 German. Though, I’m also very interested in learning Gaelic, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Icelandic, French, Italian, Spanish, and so on and so forth, in that general sort of order. Other hobbies include SCUBA (someday, seeing as I’m still waiting for my certification), learning to Contact and regular juggle–after I saw the Labyrinth again, I just HAD to start learning–and drawing.

However, seeing as that is actually a picture of my cat named Odette, I guess I’ll tell you a little about her as well. She’s kind of lazy, but so darn cute. She knows how cute she is, too! She’ll plop down on the ground and immediately roll over, giving you the cutest wide eyed look she can think of. Then if you don’t pay attention she’ll start wriggling and meowing and you have to go rub her belly and play with the string. If you further ignore her, she will and has in the past chew through cords pertaining to the computer or internet. Little rascal, she is.

I’m thinkin’ that sums it up for now! I’ll keep waiting around for people to wake up! ^_^” They’re such wonderful sleepers.
